The focus of the Growth Committee is to 1) Assist in overall growth of the Market Center by working with the Team Leader in identifying & attracting other associates to the Market Center 2) Create opportunities for outside brokers to experience Keller Williams

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Profit Share Class

  • 3rd Thursday: 1pm-2pm

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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

3 Scripts To Grow Your Profit Share Tree

In this video Jay Cermak, Trainer Extraordinaire, covers 3 easy scripts to help you grow your profit share tree! Are you taking advantage of the amazing opportunity of profit share at Keller Williams. With no money invested you get an opportunity to receive monthly profit from the owners at all the U.S. & Canada KW Offices for referring an agent to join. In the 2nd Quarter of 2018 Keller Williams gave back $60.3 Million Dollars and since it started in the 80's Over $1 Billion has been given back in profit share! Mo Anderson says imagine profit share is a pile of money sitting on a table and all you have to do to get it is talk to an agent! Mary Tenant talks about the opportunity of a legacy appointment because if you have an appointment and get a listing you get paid at that time. If you have a conversation with an agent you get paid for your life time and your children's lifetime! It's a legacy worth leaving! Check out the Mary Tenant Video Here:

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